Hello and Goodbye to 2022 at NPL

Library Closed for Independence Day

NPL will be closed Thursday, July 4 for the Independence Day holiday. Our Fell Avenue lot bookdrop and off-site bookdrops will remain available. We will reopen at 9 am on July 5.

2022 brought lots of changes to NPL! We got to say  "Hello!" and "Yes, please!" to many patrons, community partners, and opportunities. Some of our highlights, including the new & improved website you're reading RIGHT NOW:

  • 793 people participated in our first Year-round Adult Reading Challenge. We're offering another Year-round Challenge this year, too. Be sure to sign up on Beanstack if you haven't yet and join in the fun.
  • 3,919 people registered for our Summer Reading Challenge, and a whopping 2,033 completed it -- over 50%!
  • We added 11 Chromebook kits for checkout that were funded by the Illinois State Library / American Rescue Plan Act. Each contains not only a computer but also a portable hotspot for effective computing wherever you are.
  • We installed two Study Pods, including one that's fully accessible, also funded by the Illinois State Library / American Rescue Plan Act. Reserve yours for a two-hour time-slot today by calling the library at 309-454-1757.
  • We offered 648 programs across all formats and for all age ranges, including offerings as diverse as murder mysteries, book clubs, life-sized Candyland, and so much more.
  • We reached thousands of community members through individual and partnered outreach events, including offerings in collaboration with Heartland Community College, Unit 5 schools, Chamber of Commerce, Uptown Normal / Town of Normal, 4H / County Fair, Immigration Project, David Davis Mansion, Miller Park Zoo, ISU, McLean County Museum of History and many others.

In 2022, we also said some goodbyes.

  • Our hardest: The loss of our dear Stephanie Adams, whose wry sense of humor and abundant kindness we all miss.
  • We wished 'Happy Retirement' to our wonderful Children's Services Manager Tori Melican after 34 years of service.
  • In June, we gave our farewells to Library Director Brian Chase as he took up a new post in Florida. 

What does 2023 hold? New Library Director John Fischer and the rest of the NPL team are busy planning the details. Our top priority: To continue to deliver exceptional services, collections, and programs for all ages in various formats, including in-person, virtually, hybrid, and off-site.

Check out Normal Public Library in 2023. We've got lots in store for you!



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