Public Participation at Library Meetings Policy

Library Closed for Christmas

NPL will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 for the Christmas holiday. Our Fell Avenue lot bookdrop and off-site bookdrops will remain available. We will reopen at 9 am on December 26.


Policy: Public Participation at Library Meetings

The following rules apply to persons desiring to address the Normal Public Library when the Library is conducting an open meeting under the Open Meetings Act. Individuals appearing before the Library are expected to follow these guidelines:

  1. Address the Library at the specified time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the chair of the meeting.


  1. Identify oneself by full name and although not mandatory, one’s town or city of residence is preferred.


  1. An individual may speak for up to three minutes at each meeting.


  1. No more than 20 minutes shall be allowed to each subject under discussion.


  1. The chair of the meeting shall determine the order of the speakers.


  1. The chair will enforce the Library’s rules to preserve order and decorum; abusive language or personal attacks will not be tolerated.


  1. Any person who violates these rules or who otherwise disrupts the order and decorum of the meeting may be removed.


  1. The chair, with majority approval of the members present, may suspend the rules in order to provide more public comment, where time permits.


  1. Speakers should be physically present, because there is no accommodation for telephone or video presentations. Anyone who cannot present in person may submit written material to the Library.


  1. Speakers may address the Library with concerns or comments regarding issues relevant to Library business. Issues relevant to Library business are defined to mean information about Library events; issues that the Library has authority to address; items listed on the agenda; and items or issues previously voted on by the Library or that the Library has authority to consider or vote on in the future. The chair shall strictly restrain comments to matters that are relevant to Library business and shall not permit repetitious comments or arguments.


Approved May 25, 2011; Revised July 31, 2019

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